
Today, I would like to thank my professors, classmates, friends, and my family that have been influential in my life helping me take one more step in the right direction. The direction that not only helps my confidence and economic life but allows me to make a difference with those around me and others who I will encounter in my classroom. Some of these professors include Professor Bethany Tasaka from SBVC for teaching me about growth mindsets and grit. Professora Yon Che who gave me the opportunity to learn about instruction and Spanish culture. To SBVC’s counselor Maribel Cisneros who made sure I stayed on track and was there to uplift me when I wanted to give up. Professor Marina Duchesne from CSUSB, for her warmth, kindness, and incredible knowledge. And to all the professors who shared their knowledge and skills with us. For those who took time to provide us with timely feedback and worked to help us succeed. The practices shared with me are those that will also help young children develop their full potential, be ready to face the world, and become successful and responsible citizens in a global and multicultural society. It is without a doubt that students need a well-rounded education. One with various learning opportunities, collaborations, and experiences. An education that does not limit a student’s creativity rather expands and encourages it; a space where professional growth begins. Where we create lifelong friendships and learn from some of the best. Additionally, a place where community, diversity, and difficult global issues are discussed but instead of an argument, a solution is created.

I would like to thank my husband for encouraging me to get past my fears and believing in myself, Te Amo Mucho. To my parents for their love and sacrifice, Amo. A Side hug and a huge thank you to Hannah, Natalie, Stephany, and Taylor for making this experience one that I will cherish forever. And most importantly, to my children for being my greatest inspiration.